117. Bonetti G, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Carnell P, Macreadie PI. Implication of viral infections for greenhouse gas dynamics in wetlands: challenges and perspectives. Frontiers in Microbiology in press (accepted 9 August 2019)
116. Ollivier QR, Maher DT, Pitfield C, Macreadie PI. Winter emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O from temperate agricultural dams: fluxes, sources and processes. Ecosphere in press (accepted 6 August 2019)
115. Zhao C, Liu S, Jiang Z, Wu Y, Cui L, Huang X, Macreadie PI. Nitrogen purification potential limited by nitrite reduction process in coastal eutrophic wetlands. Science of the Total Environment in press
114. Serrano O, Lovelock CE, Atwood T, Macreadie PI, Canto R, Phinn S, Arias-Ortiz A, Bai Le, Baldock J, Bedulli C, Carnell P, Connolly RM, Donaldson P, Esteban A, Ewers Lewis CJ, Eyre BD, Hayes MA, Horwitz P, Hutley LB, Kavazos CRJ, Kelleway JJ, Kendrick GA, Kilminster K, Lafratta A, Yip Lee S, Lavery PS, Maher DT, Marba N, Masque P, Mateo MA, Mount R, Ralph PJ, Roelfsema C, Rozaimi M, Ruhon R, Salinas C, Samper-Villarreal J, Sanderman J, Sanders C, Santos I, Sharples C, Steven ADL, Cannard T, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Duarte CM. Australian vegetated coastal ecosystems as global hotspots for climate change mitigation. Nature Communications in press 113. Macreadie PI, Anton A, Raven JA, Beaumont N, Connolly RM, Friess DA, Kelleway JJ, Kennedy H, Kuwae T, Lavery PS, Lovelock CE, Smale DA, Apostolaki ET, Atwood TB, Baldock J, Bianchi TS, Chmura GL, Eyre BD, Fourqurean JW, Hall-Spencer JM, Huxham M, Hendriks IE, Krause-Jensen D, Laffoley JM, Luisetti T, Marbà N, Masque P, McGlathery KJ, Megonigal PJ, Murdiyaso D, Russell BD, Santos R, Serrano O, Silliman BR, Watanabe K, Duarte CM. The Future of Blue Carbon Science. Nature Communications in press
112. Trevathan-Tackett S, Sherman C, Huggett MJ, Campbell AH, Laverock B, Hurtado-McCormick V, Seymour J, Firl A, Messer L, Ainsworth T, Negandi K, Daffonchio D, Egan S, Engelen AH, Fusi M, Thomas T, Vann L, Hernandez-Agreda A, Gan HM, Marzinelli EM, Steinberg PD, Hardtke L, Macreadie PI. A horizon scan of priorities for coastal microbiome research. Nature Ecology and Evolution in press
111. Macreadie PI, Atwood T, Seymour JR, Schmitz-Fontes ML, Sanderman J, Nielsen DA, Connolly RM. Vulnerability of seagrass blue carbon to microbial attack following exposure to warming and oxygen. Science of the Total Environment in press (accepted 30-5-19)
110. Duffy JE, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Trinanes JA, Muller-Karger FE, Ambo-Rappe R, Boström C, Buschmann AH, Byrnes J, Coles RG, Creed J, Cullen-Unsworth L, Diaz-Pulido G, Duarte CM, Edgar GJ, Fortes MD, Goni GJ, Hu C, Huang X, Hurd CL, Konar B, Krause-Jensen D, Krumhansl K, Macreadie PI, Marsh H, McKenzie LJ, Mieszkowska N, Miloslavich P, Montes E, Nakaoka M, Norderhaug KM, Nordlund LM, Orth RJ, Prathep A, Putman NF, Samper-Villarreal J, Serrao EA, Short F, Pinto IS, Steinberg PD, Stuart-Smith R, Unsworth RKF, van Keulen M, Van Tussenbroek BI, Wan M, Waycott M, Weatherdon LV, Wernberg T, Yaakub SM. Toward a coordinated global observing system for seagrasses and marine macroalgae. Frontiers in Marine Science in press (accepted 28-5-19)
109. Geraldi NR, Ortega A, Serrano O, Macreadie PI, Lovelock CE, Krause-Jensen D, Kennedy H, Lavery PS, Pace MI, Kaal J, Duarte CM. Fingerprinting blue carbon: Rationale and tools to determine the source of organic carbon in marine depositional environments. Frontiers in Marine Science in press (accepted 2-5-19)108 Levin LA, Bett BJ, Gates, AR, Heimbach P, Howe BM, Janssen F, McCurdy HA, Snelgrove P, Stocks KI, Bailey D, Baumann-Pickering S, Beaverson C, Benfield MC, Booth DJ, Carreiro-Silva M, Colaco A, Eble MC, Fowler AM, Gjerde KM, Jones DOB, Katsumata K, Kelley D, LeBRis N, Leonardi FL, Macreadie PI, McLean D, Meitz F, Morato T, Netburn A, Pawlowski J, Smith CR, Sun S, Uchinda H, Vardaro MF, Venkatesan R, Weller RA. Global Observing Needs of the Deep Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science In press (accepted 19-4-19)
107 Todd VLG, Williamson LD, Cox SE,Todd IB, Macreadie PI. Characterising the first-wave of fish and invertebrate colonisation on a new offshore petroleum platform. ICES Journal of Marine Science in press (accepted 3-4-19)
106. Ewers Lewis CJ, Baldock JA, Hawke B, Gadd P, Zawadzki A, Jacobsen G, Rogers K, Macreadie PI. Impacts of land reclamation on tidal marsh 'blue carbon' stocks. Science of the Total Environment 672: 427-437.
105. Saderne V, Geraldi NR, Macreadie PI, Maher DT, Middelburg JJ, Serrano O, Almahasheer H, Arias-Ortiz A, Cusack M, Eyre BD, Fourqurean J, Kennedy H, Krause-Jensen D, Kuwae T, Lavery P, Lovelock CE, Marba N, Masqué P, Mateo MA, Mazarrasa I, McGlathery KJ, Oreska MPJ, Sanders CJ, Santos IR, Smoak JM, Tanaya T, Watanabe K and C. M. Duarte (2019) Role of carbonate burial in “Blue Carbon” budgets Nature Communications 10: 1106.
104. Brodersen, KE, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Nielsen DA, Connolly RM, Lovelock C, Atwood TB, Macreadie PI (2019) Oxygen consumption and sulphate reduction in vegetated coastal habitats: effects of physical disturbance. Frontiers in Marine Science doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00014 103. Liu S, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Ewers Lewis CJ, Ollivier QR, Jiang Z, Huang X, Macreadie PI (2019) Beach-cast seagrass wrack contributes substantially to global greenhouse gas emissions Journal of Environmental Management 231:329-335
102. Sommers B, Fowler AM, Macreadie PI, Palandro DA, Aziz AC, Booth DJ (2019) Decommissioning of offshore oil and gas structures - environmental opportunities and challenges. Science of the Total Environment658:973-981
101. Thomson ACG, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Maher DT, Ralph PJ, Macreadie PI (2019) Bioturbator-stimulated loss of seagrass blue carbon stocks via microbial priming. Limnology and Oceanography, 64:342-256
99. York PH†, Macreadie PI†, Rasheed MA (2018) Blue Carbon stocks of Great Barrier Reef deep-water seagrasses Biology Letters https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2018.0529 †Joint first authors
98. Macreadie PI, Hardy SS (2018) Response of seagrass ‘Blue Carbon’ stocks to increased water temperatures Diversity 10: 115.
97.Todd LG, Lavallin EW, Macreadie PI (2018) Quantitative analysis of fish and invertebrate assemblage dynamics in association with a North Sea oil and gas installation complex Marine Environmental Research 142: 69-79
96.Ollivier QR, Maher DT, Pitfield C, Macreadie PI (2018) Punching above their weight: Large release of greenhouse gases from small agricultural dams Global Change Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14477
95. Young MA, Macreadie PI, Duncan C, Carnell PR, Nicholson E, Serrano, Duarte CM, Schiell G, Baldrock J, Ierodiaconou (2018) Optimal soil carbon sampling designs to achieve cost-effectiveness: a case study in blue carbon ecosystems Biology Letters https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2018.0416
94.Atwood TB, Madin E, Harborne A, Hammill E, Luiz O, Ollivier Q, Roelfsema CM, Macreadie PI, Lovelock CE (2018) Predators shape sedimentary organic carbon storage in a coral reef ecosystem. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2018.00110
93. Trevathan-Tackett S, Treby S, Gleason F. H. Macreadie P, Loke S (2018) Cryopreservation methods are effective for long-term storage of Labyrinthula cultures. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 130:65-70.
92.Connolly RM, Smith TM, Maxwell PS, Olds AD, Macreadie PI, Sherman DH (2018) Highly disturbed populations of seagrass show increased resilience but lower genotypic diversity. Frontiers in Plant Science https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00894
91.Fowler AM, Jørgensen A, Svenden JC, Macreadie PI, Jones DO, Boon AR, Booth DJ, Brabant R, Callahan E, Claisse JT, Dahlgren TG, Degraer S, Dokken QR, Gill AB, Johns DG, Leewis RJ, Lindeboom HJ, Linden O, May R, Murk AJ, Ottersen G, Schroeder DM, Shastri SM, Teilmann J, Todd V, Van Hoey G, Vanaverbeke J, Coolen JWP (2018) Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment accepted 26-4-18.
90.Sanderman J, Hengl T, Fiske G, Solvik K, Adame M, Benson L, Bukoski J, Carnell P, Cifuentes-Jara M, Donato D, Duncan C, Eid E, zu Ermgassen P, Ewers Lewis C, Glass L, Gress S, Sunny J, Jones T, Macreadie P, Nsombo E, Rahman M, Sanders C, Spalding M, Landis E (2018) A global map of mangrove forest soil carbon at 30 m spatial resolution. Environmental Research Letters 13(5):055002.
89.Macreade PI, McLean DL, Thomson PG, Partridge JC, Jones DOB, Gates AR, Benfield MC, Collins SP, Booth DJ, Smith LL, Techera E, Skropeta D, Horton T, Pattiaratchi C, Bodd T, Fowler AM (2018) Eyes in the sea: unlocking the mysteries of the ocean using industrial, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). Science of the Total Environment 634: 1077-1091
88.Carnell PE, Windecker SM, Brenker M, Baldock J, Maque P, Brunt K, Macreadie PI (2018) Carbon stocks, sequestration, and emission of wetlands in south eastern Australia. Global Change Biology 24: 4173-4184
87.Yunchao W, Zhang J, Liu S, Jiang Z, Arbi I, Huang X, Macreadie PI (2018) Nitrogen deposition in precipitation to a monsoon-affected eutrophic embayment: fluxes, sources, and processes. Atmospheric Environment 182:75-86
86.Ollivier QR, Hammill E, Booth DJ, Hinchcliffe C, Madin EP, Harbourne AR, Lovelock CE, Macreadie PI, Luiz OJ, Atwood TB (2018) Benthic meiofaunal community response to the cascading effects of herbivory within an algal halo system of the Great Barrier Reef. Plos One 13(3): e0193932
85.Djukic I, and 150 others including Macreadie PI (2018) Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. Science of the Total Environment 628-629: 1369-1394
84.Scott AL, York PH, Duncan C, Macreadie PI, Connolly RM, Ellis MT, Jarvis JC, Jinks KI, March H, Rasheed MA (2018) The role of herbivory in structuring tropical seagrass ecosystem service delivery. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:127. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00127
83.Hays GC, Alcoverro T, Christianen MJA, Duarte CM, Hamman M, Macreadie PI, Marsh H, Rasheed MA, Thums M, Unsworth RKF, York PH, Esteban N (2018) New tools to identify the location of seagrass meadows: marine grazers as habitat indicators. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:9. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00009
82.Trevathan-Tackett SM, Thomson ACG, Ralph P, Macreadie PI (2018) Fresh carbon inputs to seagrass sediments induce variable microbial priming responses. Science of the Total Environment 621:633-669
81.Macreadie PI, Jarvis J, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Bellgrove A (2017) Seagrasses and Macroalgae: Importance, vulnerability and impacts. P729-770. In: Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis. Eds. Phillips BF, Pérez-Ramírez, M. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-119-15404-4.
80.Trevathan-Tackett SM, Sullivan BK, Robinson K, Lilje O, Macreadie PI, Gleason FH (2018) Pathogenic Labyrinthula associated with Australian seagrasses: Considerations for seagrass wasting disease in the southern hemisphere Microbiological Research 206:74-81
79.Trevathan-Tackett SM, Wessel C, Cebrian J, Ralph P, Masque P, Macreadie PI (2018) Effects of small-scale, shading-induced seagrass loss on blue carbon storage: Implications for management of degraded seagrass ecosystems Journal of Applied Ecology 10.1111/1365-2664.13081
78.Macreadie PI, Ewers Lewis C, Whitt A, Ollivier Q, Trevathan-Tackett S, Carnell P, Thomson A, Serrano O (2018) Comment on ‘Geoenginneering with seagrasses: is credit due where credit is given? Environmental Research Letters 13(2),028002
77.Kennedy DM, Konlechner T, Zavadil E, Mariani M, Wong V, Ierodiaconou D, Macreadie PI (2018) Invasive cordgrass (Spartina spp.) in south-eastern Australia induces island formation, salt marsh development, and carbon storage Geographical Research 56(1):80-91 doi:10.1111/1745-5871.12265
76.Smith TM, York PH, Broitman BR, Theil M, Hays GC, van Sebille E, Putman NF, Macreadie PI, Sherman DH (2018) Rare long distance dispersal of a marine angiosperm across the Pacific Ocean Global Ecology and Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/geb/12713
75.Pearse AL, Barton JL, Lester RE, Zawadski A, Macreadie PI (2018) Soil organic carbon variability in Australian temperate freshwater wetlands. Limnology and Oceanography 63()S254-266 DOI: 10.1002/lno.10735
74. Connolly RM, Jackson EL, Macreadie PI, Maxwell PS, O’Brien KR (2018) Seagrass Dynamics and Resilience. In: Seagrasses of Australia. Eds. Larkum AWD, Ralph PJ, Kendrick G. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71354-0
73. Seymour JR, Laverock B, Nielsen DA, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Macreadie PI (2018) The Microbiology of Seagrasses. In: Seagrasses of Australia. Eds. Larkum AWD, Ralph PJ, Kendrick G. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71354-0
72. Macreadie PI, Sullivan B, Evans SM, Smith TM (2018) Biogeography of seagrasses of NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and temperate Queensland. In: Seagrasses of Australia. Eds. Larkum AWD, Ralph PJ, Kendrick G. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71354-
71. Macreadie PI, Serrano O, Maher D, Duarte C, Beardall J (2017) Addressing calcium carbonate cycling in blue carbon accounting. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2:195-201
70. Macreadie PI, Serrano O, Duarte CM, Beardall J, Maher D (2017). Commentary: Evaluating the role of seagrass in Cenozoic CO2 variation. Frontiers in Environmental Science. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2017.00055
69. Kelleway JJ, Saintilan N, Macreadie PI, Baldock JA, Ralph PJ (2017). Sediment and carbon accumulation vary among vegetation assemblages in a coastal salt marsh. Biogeosciences 14:3763–3779
68. Kelleway JJ, Saintilan N, Macreadie PI, Baldock JA, Heijnis H, Zawadzki A, Gadd P, Jacobsen G, Ralph PJ (2017) Geochemical analyses reveal the importance of environmental history for blue carbon sequestration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122:1789-1805
67. Atwood TB, Connolly RM, Almahasheer H, Carnell P, Duarte CM, Ewers C, Irigoien X, Kelleway J, Lavery PS, Macreadie PI, Serrano O, Sanders C, Santos I, Steven A, Lovelock CE (2017). Global patterns in mangrove soil carbon stocks and losses. Nature Climate Change 7: 523-528.
66. Trevathan-Tackett CM, Macreadie PI, Sanderman J, Baldock J, Howes J, Ralph P (2017). A global assessment of the potential for seagrasses to contribute to long-term carbon sequestration. Frontiers in Plant Science DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00925
65. Liu S, Jiang Z, Zhang, J, Wu Y, Huang X, Macreadie PI (2017) Sediment microbes mediate the impact of nutrient loading on blue carbon sequestration by mixed seagrass meadows. Science of The Total Environment 599-600:1479-1484
64. Lovelock CE, Atwood T, Baldock J, Duarte CM, Hickey S, Lavery PS, Masque P, Macreadie PI, Ricart AM, Serrano O, Steven A (2017). Assessing the risk of CO2 emissions from blue carbon ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15:257-265
62. Liu S, Jiang Z, Wu Y, Zhang J, Arbi I, Ye F, Huang X, Macreadie PI (2017). Effects of nutrient load on microbial activities within a seagrass-dominated ecosystem: implications of changes in seagrass blue carbon Marine Pollution Bulletin117:214-221
61. Ewers CJ, Carnell PE, Sanderman J, Baldock JA, Macreadie PI (2017). Variability and vulnerability of coastal ‘blue carbon’ stocks: A case study from southeast Australia. Ecosystems https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-017-0150-z
60. Trevathan-Tackett S, Seymour J, Nielsen D, Macreadie PI, Thomas J, Sanderman J, Baldock J, Howes J, Steven A, Ralph P (2017). Sediment anoxia limits microbial-driven seagrass reminersalization under warming conditions. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93(6) doi: 10.1093/femsec/fix033
59. Sanderman J, Farrell M, Macreadie PI, Hayes M, McGowan J, Baldock J (2017). Is demineralization with dilute hydrofluoric acid a viable method for isolating mineral stabilized soil organic matter? Geoderma304:4-11
58. Kelleway J, Serrano O, Baldock J, Cannard T, Lavery P, Lovelock CE, Macreadie P, Masque P, Saintilan N, Steven ADL (2017) Technical review of opportunities for including blue carbon in the Australian Government’s Emission Reduction Fund. CSIRO, Australia.
56. Skilbeck CG, Trevathan-Tackett S, Apichanangkool P, Macreadie PI (2017). Sediment sampling in estuaries - site selection and sampling techniques. Eds. Weckstrom, K., Gell, P., Saunders, K & Skilbeck, G. In: Applications of Paleoenvironmental techniques to Estuarine systems. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research series, volume 20. Springer. ISBN: 978-94-024-0988-8 55. Macreadie PI, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Baldock JA, Kelleway JJ (2017) Converting beach-cast wrack into biochar: a climate-friendly solution to a coastal problem. Science of the Total Environment 574: 90-94
49. Thomson ACG, York PH, Smith TM, Sherman CDH, Booth DJ, Keough MJ, Ross DJ, Macreadie PI. (2016) Response to “Comment on Seagrass Viviparous Propagules as a Potential Long-Distance Dispersal Mechanism. Estuaries and Coasts 38: 927-940
I have been researching in the field of marine ecology since the start of my PhD (2006). Prior to 2006 (i.e. during my undergraduate training, and as a research assistant at CSIRO) I worked in medical research as a biochemist/microbiologist.